Out Now On Amazon
A timeless fantasy for children of all ages about a misfit fox who can't do what's expected of him.

Dog Walks Man A Six-Legged OdysseyRead More

A humorous, thoughtful, absorbing narrative about the metaphysical joys of a simple daily task.

Represented by
Laurie Abkemeier of
DeFiore and Company
New York City

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It's at the root of all our environmental problems -- climate change, loss of animal habitats, species extinction -- and yet no one talks about it. A scientific account of how we've reached the threshold of 8 billion and a discussion of why it's a taboo topic.

Before They Were Pets Series

Have you ever wondered why certain animals have bonded with humans, but not others? Why isn't the chimpanzee man's best friend? 'Before They Were Pets' traces the paths of the most important companion animals in six volumes.